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Monday, 18 November 2019

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

ERL goes home

finally sorted a time to recover "ERL" from bala s.c
starting out at 7am the treck to bala started.
getting the mast down went very good with kathleen assisting. everything went really well. a rewarding breakfast from adam at lake view cafe and some cake as well.
a quick walk to the camp site to sort a few things and the trip home began .
next step a quick checkover and then off to Tresaith sc

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Bala long distance race official pic windward mark lap

windward mark lap1 
windward mark lap2

Monday, 24 June 2019


2019 Bala S.C 

1.  4.2M    "ERL"   1h1m      SOLO  070419    MAIN ONLY 
2.  3.08M  "ERL"   38M19    SOLO 070419
3.  4.41M  "ERL"   42M 36   SOLO 070419
4.  2.55M  "ERL"   40M 55   SOLO  070419
5.  5.6NM  "ERL"   53M09   SOLO 090619
6.   6.1NM "ERL"   47M05   SOLO 090619   
7. 21.5nm  "MUTLEY 96"   3HR55 220619 SOLO                    =========== 47.44NM 

Bala long distance race 22nd june 2019

the long distance race started off with next to no wind
i decided to sail the A class for it first trip out . with the boat all rigged with help from prev owner mike allen we waited for a 1pm start  sun was out and a long 4hr race was ahead.
the wind was all over the place but good progress was made down the whole of the lake to a mark close to the bottom as they could
at one point i was 5th on the water but rounded in 11th
i then slipped down the order in flukey down winds the boat was responsive and was nice to sail.
i lost my d18 worlds hat but it was picked up by the safety crew.
it was hot and at the end of the day was drained. a barbecue followed at 630pm  i had one pint of purple moose snowdonia ale and that was me done. i had to move van and teardrop trailer in the campsite, when i led down fir a rest that was it
i didn't go back to club as planned as i was very dehydrated.
captured it on go pro as well so pics to follow
3hr55 sailing 3 laps
finished 41st on handicap from 53 starters
12/13 cat
not a cat day at all but was a good first sail

sunday was on duty for 3 back to back races for the rest of the long distance weekend series.

sunday breakfast

barbecue food

Monday, 27 May 2019

Duty day at Bala 26th May 2019

Richard on his Unicorn first race
forecast was not good the trip up was wet
called into the cafe for a breakfast which was fantastic and filled me up
then helped richard loadhis dart 15 which was sold and got to see Mutley 96.
after that it was over to the Bridge to get sorted for duty
headed out into a quite choppy lake.
course was X  Then Dp 7p  As Xs
wind was dying but with a few gusts
in the afternoon the champions helm series the same course and a bit of go pro footage as well.
enjoyed the day but no crew on the rib made it boring
after a good shower and viewing of the a class and all loaded up in car it was then the 1h 40 min drive home in sunshine.