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Sunday 21 June 2009

Summer 3

crew Alan induni.
not a good week as suffering from the flu, so wasnt sure that i would be upto much anyway.
launched at 10.00am it took most of that time to fig that the tide was running strong and the wind was changing alot and then dying.
sure enough at race start it died and we were in irons as usual. 6mins later we crossed the line.
we got to mark 4 eventually and then it all went wrong. the tide was getting us, we tacked and then we hit the mark. we did a 360 and scared the living daylights out of henry. we knew he was there and it wasnt a problem. the next lap was better until mark 4 again. this time we gave it more room.
we called starboard on adrian (d15) he didnt give it saying he couldnt tack. we tacked to avoid and was sandwiched between 2 boats. alan was on the starboard side when we caught a gust, i shouted as we heeled over. aln was caught under the boom with his jacket and in he went for a swim. like a demon he swam back and i dragged him back on board, annoyed with adrian we caled it a day and sailed back in. we were going to protest but didnt. lets just say im having words with him next week as to why he couldnt tack away.
bad weekend ontop of a bad week. roll on next week.

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