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Saturday, 2 December 2017

Old Salty SOLD

Old Salty has been sold due to personal circumstances during 2017 and ongoing into 2018
he will stay at Swanage and was bought out by John Russ who had a share in it.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

27th May boat repair

on arriving at Swanage to sail "ERL" i noticed the boat was rather heavy and could hear water moving. when i checked the rear bung alot of water came out.
after checking the boat the port gunwhale nr the trolley support was split for about a foot.
boat was tipped on its side and the  affending area prepped to allow some isopan p40 filler to be applied.  using a soni worx cutting tool to remove all the old prev repair the old owner must have done
the fibreglass soon went off and manged to rub it down as well using a sanding pad on the same tool. need s more finnish work to clean up but hopefully done the job

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Old Salty goes to Swanage

early start as always to get to swanage
armed with some back boxs and stands to get old salty underneath "ERL"
0830 a cool breezy NE about 10knts, felt very cold, dragged the boat and kit down to the boat, used the boards i made to get the laser over the gap which is made for the new whinch.
placed the rear boxs under "ERL" and tied the boat to them and then did the front props,
needs a bit more wood to make it more stable. but boat did go underneath with ease
tied it all down and then rigged the boat so its ready to use
didnt feel like sailing in the end so everything put away for the drive home.