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Thursday 4 May 2023

new rib

Many moons ago after work i set off in my trusty vw van and went all the way to truro to pick up a 3m ish rib inflatable, it was stored at home under the pear tree gather leaves pears and water, when we moved it was stored inside one of the open air stables out of the way, one hot summer it even acted as  a nice mini pool.

over the years it steadily deflated and gathered mud etc 

now i go to use it and find the rubbing strake and underneath has all come apart prob due to the heat and cold.

so i had to bite the bullet and buy a new 2.3m rib to get out to "Black Magic" its a fair way to the mooring and i have to get the lithuim battery and bisson 55 onto the boat  so needed more than a sup to do it. 

at £420 its alot but never mind , it will get plenty of use i hope 

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